Research Dr. Kirkpatrick's four levels of training evaluation, and design an effective evaluation system for King's management training program.
Discuss how each level of evaluation might or might not improve training outcomes at King.
For this SLP assignment, bring in information from at least two Trident library sources to help strengthen and validate your discussion.
Make reasonable, cost-effective assumptions in your paper, if needed. It is not an option, however, for you to hire additional help (temporary or otherwise). State your assumptions in the beginning of your discussion.
Provide private-sector employer examples of HRM programs, systems, processes, and/or procedures as you address the assignment requirements. Provide names of the employers. Use different employer examples in this course than what have been used previously in your other papers and courses.
Paper length: 2-3 pages (not counting the cover and reference pages).
For instruction on writing papers, citing sources, proper referencing, and so forth, use Trident University's: Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper.
See the following if additional guidance on APA style is needed:
The Purdue OWL website:
APA Formatting: The Basics. Retrieved from
The two pages are not part of the cover page or reference page