
Discuss how current nursing theory is identifiable in film


1) From a nursing perspective, in what ways did you see each of the five patterns of knowledge described by Chinn and Kramer emerge in this film. Write one to two paragraphs to answer these questions.

2) Discuss the profundity in the insight of Jon Donne's poem "Death be not Proud." Vivan struggled with this work as a young scholar, but what does this mean for Vivan and the current existential crisis she is faced with?

3) Discuss how current nursing theory is identifiable in this film (refer to one or more applicable nursing theories and or theorists).

4) Describe how new theory development could emerge from any situation in this film.

5) Engage the course readings to support your ideas about the film in a critical way that spoke to you. Perhaps the Frankl book and human suffering may add additional insights for this post.

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Reference No:- TGS03244903

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