Discuss how conflict resolution can be reached

Assignment task:

At this point in the course, you have gained a great amount of understanding and applicable knowledge regarding emotional intelligence. It is clear how impactful emotional intelligence is and how the handling of ourselves and others in any given situation can result negatively or positively. In a world with many ideas, cultures, beliefs, thought processes, religions, and so many more differences, conflict exists. However, the outcome of any disagreement is preceded by a single choice or a series of choices. Those choices can be made swiftly or thoughtfully. Those choices can be made selfishly or selflessly. Nelson Mandela once said, "All conflicts, no matter how intractable, are capable of a peaceful resolution."

For the assignment this week, you are to choose one of the conflicts listed below and discuss how conflict resolution can be reached while including knowledge from your readings. Please use the first names of the characters, so there is no question which conflict you chose. Be sure to discuss one or more of the below conflict-handling intentions  (Accommodating, Collaborating, Avoiding, Compromising or Competition).  If you use an outside source as a secondary source, be sure to cite it.

1. George works very hard as a restaurant cook and feels the other cooks are not carrying their weight. This is causing conflict among the cooks. George decides to talk about the other cooks with the waitresses. This causes tension and conflict among the employees at the restaurant.

2. Mary did not receive the promotion she felt she deserved. She decides to deliberately instigate a work slow-down which in turn casts the supervisor in a bad light. As a result, and due to the fact that it was a slow month, all employees' hours have been reduced.

3. Briana works at a salon. She is jealous that the other stylists have a larger clientele base than she does. She is participating in malicious gossip with her customers about other stylists' work or abilities.

4. Roxanne works in a day care center. She has been observed arriving to work late and with a disheveled appearance. The other employees are doing some of Roxanne's duties. When the manager shows up at the day care center, Roxanne often wants to get credit for work she has not performed. This makes the other employees angry.

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Reference No:- TGS03348145

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