Discuss how a paralegal becomes and stays competent


Competence and negligence. Discuss the elements of competence, how an attorney becomes and stays competent. Discuss how a paralegal becomes and stays competent. Explain the meaning of negligence. Compare and contrast incompetence and negligence. Your discussion must include list of all California regulations and rules of professional conduct relevant to the topic with active links. Include at least two relevant California cases that are less than 10 years old in your discussion. Include active links to the cases. You may include a relevant article (include an active link) on the topic that is less than 5 years old.

The paper must be two to three pages single spaced. All citations must be in the Blue Book or California Style Manual format. You can use relevant charts or graphics sparingly, but only if they add to the information you are presenting.

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Business Law and Ethics: Discuss how a paralegal becomes and stays competent
Reference No:- TGS03274498

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