Discuss - good advertising is all about getting a reaction

Assignment task: Review the following academic essay draft. What specific research information might help the writer to better develop his or her ideas? Good advertising is all about getting a reaction. The advertisement for a business itself has to give a good impression and contain effective communication elements to gain the customer's attention. Companies that are looking to advertise want the best possible way to get the best for their money. The best advertisement is one that is clear and leaves a good impression of your product. Advertising is simple; if you focus on ways to get the customer's attention on the service you can provide you already got the most important part, getting the customer's attention. When you get reaction you know you are doing something right, and positive attention has a big impact on your business. You can have a great product or offer a great service but if only a few people are aware, your business can fail. There are many different ways you can do to advertise, flyers are a good way to get noticed, and when you can provide a colorful, interesting flyer you can get many new customers, offer coupons in your flyer that is a good way to get people in the door, it is also inexpensive and you can do this service yourself. You can also advertise on cable, some companies offer crawls, these are affordable and everyone can see this most people in America watch TV, they can be as little as $10 a day. You can also make your own website; websites are not just for companies, who sell product online anymore, anyone can make a website and locals look up companies to get information frequently because they want to know what you provide or what you have to offer them, they also look for coupons (if you provide any) so they can print out before they go. You can also have an advantage over other companies within a 15 mile radius if they do not provide a website. Partnering with big companies is a good way to go because there customers are noticing your business, that is killing two birds with one stone. Newsletters can help you keep in touch with your customers and also get you noticed with new customers, but your newsletter shouldn't be used for ads. YouTube is a field of wonders, it can get you noticed with locals, new potential customers but it can also get you noticed with big companies and if you offer product or service they want they can hire you to provide service for them, if you can get a contract then you have a set income. The most important information you need to know about advertising when you are opening a new business is starting off with a bang, meaning if you have a grand opening and offer jumping balloons, free samples and just good entertainment people will notice. You can advertise on the radio for a small price and even if you just advertise on the radio two weeks before your grand opening it will not be as expensive. You can make flyers, ads and even offer prizes for those who come.

Question options: a) a dictionary definition of advertising so the audience knows what it is b) a business journal article showing how advertisements increase business c) a business journal showing why flyers and ads can increase business d) a blog post on successful business owners

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Other Management: Discuss - good advertising is all about getting a reaction
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