Discuss functioning of institutions in land administration

Problem 1: Discuss the manner in which the following cases disclose shortcomings in the functioning of institutions in land administration and management:

i) Law Society of Kenya -v- Joseph Kinyua and 5 others, ELC Petition E029 of 2022 [the Kenyatta University land case]

ii) James Mwangi Gacheru -v- Hewan Investments Ltd and Chief Land Registrar, Court of Appeal (Mombasa) Civil Case 11 of 2007.

Problem 2: The James Mwangi Gacheru case was decided before the 2010 constitutional dispensation, and the legislative framework that flowed from it. To what extent have the shortcomings that it exposed been addressed in the post-2010 legislative framework?

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Other Subject: Discuss functioning of institutions in land administration
Reference No:- TGS03368016

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