
Discuss functional vs dysfunctional conflict


Discuss the below in a 1200 words:


Students individually will critically review the completed project process and research outcomes of the completed project.

You must hand in :

• An individual evaluation of the team, the project and your own contribution.


This exercise should enable the student to identify key learning and make recommendations for improvements, including:

• theoretical content

• research process

• problem solving and decision making processes

• team process

• individual strengths and weaknesses and roles and enable the student to identify opportunities for further development of their management skills and knowledge.

In order to complete the evaluation you will therefore need to keep your own record of ideas about critical incidents and learning during the course.

Applied Management: Reflective Essay - Questions to consider:

What has the overall experience been like for you?

(Challenging? Stretching? Interesting? Enjoyable? Relevant? Difficult?)Why?

Analysis of the Team Process:

Evaluate your Team in relation to relevant Team Dynamics Theories, with reference to wider reading:

• The 5 stages of group development

• Functional v. Dysfunctional conflict

• Characteristics of an effective team (cohesiveness, roles etc.)

• Conflict Resolution

How well did your Team work together?

What were the main strengths and weaknesses of your Team?

What conflicts were there and how were they resolved?

What has the ‘Team Experience' taught you?

What ideas does this give you about working in a team or leading a team in the workplace?

Evaluation of the Research Process:

Evaluate your learning in relation to research methods, issues and process, with reference to wider reading on Business Research Methods eg:

• The Problem Solving Process

• Benefits/issues of team research

• Managing the research process (eg. ethical issues, timing)

• Asking the right questions - evaluating your questionnaires/interview effectiveness

• Characteristics of a good research project and report

How well did the Research Process work for you and your team (eg method, meetings, timing)

What went well?

What didn't work well?

How would you improve this process next time you carry out a Research Project? (eg. If you'd had more time, what difference would this have made)

How did you develop your research question?

Did it give you a good basis for research or was it too vague?

Were your hypotheses correct?

What did you find out that you didn't expect?

What did you think of the ‘findings' - were they relevant? Helpful?

How did you generate solutions and recommendations?

What do you think of the final recommendations? Are they practical?

How well do they address the problem?

What changed as the research process progressed?

What ideas do you have about carrying out research after this?

Reflections of learning about ‘Management':

What (3 or more) management ‘theories' or ‘concepts' have particularly interested or challenged you? (eg: Organisational Behaviour?

Culture? Change Management? Motivation? Leadership?)

What are the strengths AND weaknesses of each of these ideas?

How will you use this information in the workplace as a manager?

How have these concepts changed your view of managing/leading organisations? (before/after)

What would you like to know more about?

What ideas do you have that you would like to explore further?

What goals do you have for further study in management?

What are the main things you have learned from this experience (content and process)?

How has it changed you?

Where to from here?

What improvements to your Project would you recommend?

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Other Subject: Discuss functional vs dysfunctional conflict
Reference No:- TGS01846055

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