
Discuss fully whether an agency was in existence

Mario Bolatti is a well-known, wealthy financial expert living in the city of Cordoba. Ariel Gomez, Bolatti's friend, tells Mauro Cetto that he is Bolatti's agent for the purchase of rare coins. Gomez even shows Cetto a local newspaper clipping mentioning Bolatti's interest in coin collecting. Cetto, knowing of Gomez's friendship with Bolatti, contracts with Gomez to sell a rare coin valued at $25,000 to Bolatti. Gomez takes the coin and disappears with it.

On the payment due date, Cetto seeks to collect from Bolatti, claiming that Gomez' agency made Bolatti liable. Bolatti does not deny that Gomez was a friend, but he claims that Gomez was never his agent. Discuss fully whether an agency was in existence at the time the contract for the rare coin was made. 

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