Three businesses: Choose which business form (sole proprietorship, "S" Corporation, "C" Corporation, LLC, 501C3, you would use for three of the following businesses (choose 1):
• Shoe store with best friend
• A community fresh produce market
• Paralegal consulting services
• Catering business- 3 acquaintances who met on a food website
• Technology Consulting services
• 3 Guys and a Girl Car Repair
• Bookkeeping business- Five accounting graduates' startup
• Interactive gaming design- two family members
• Second hand clothing consignment shop-(one dressmaker and a seamstress)
• Home services business- large business with one knowledgeable owner and one banker/investor.
• Franchise food business
Chosen business form: After you choose the businesses, explain which business form you chose and why for each. Defend your response.
Strengths and Weaknesses:Do you need a Board of Directors? What are the pitfalls of this type of structure (for the businesses you chose)-why? What are the strengths involved with this structure for this particular type of business.
200 word APA with references