Discuss four main economic policy issues facing a country

Macroeconomics Assignment Task

Discuss four main economic policy issues facing a country of your choice today. How does the government plan to address these issues in the future?

You should structure the assignment with an introduction, analysis, and conclusion. You should apply the relevant theory in the main part of the assignment rather than talk about the company separately at the end of the assignment. You must also include relevant tables and graphs which should be explained in the text, as well as being titled, numbered, and the source identified.

  • Introduction (this introduces the assignment and details the points you are going to talk about in the paper).
  • Discussion and analysis of the main points.
  • Conclusion (this concludes what you have talked about).

You must reference your work throughout the paper and give details in the bibliography. Marks will be deducted for inadequate referencing.

Learning outcomes:

1. Construct, manipulate and apply simple macro-economic models and outline the principal macroeconomic concepts and models.

2. Outline, compare and contrast various viewpoints on the formulation and impact of economic policy.

Reading Lists and other learning materials

McConnell, C.R., Brue, S.L. & Flynn, S.M., Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies, 20th edition, McGraw-Hill Inc., 2014.

Turley, G., Maloney, M. & O'Toole, F., Principles of Economics, an Irish Text, 4th ed., Gill & Macmillan, Dublin, 2011.

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Macroeconomics: Discuss four main economic policy issues facing a country
Reference No:- TGS02466487

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