
Discuss- film clip about the origins of the vietnam war

Vietnam War:

Paper details:

The Vietnam War lasted from 1959 to 1975, but had its roots in the First Indochina War during which Vietnam fought for independence from France, and after which the country was divided into North and South Vietnam. North Vietnam was controlled by Vietnamese Communists who hoped to unify Vietnam under Communist rule. The South Vietnamese opposed Communism. Given the prevailing “ domino theory,” American policymakers believed that if the South fell, Communism would spread into the rest of Southeast Asia.

Prepare for this discussion by watching the film clip about the origins of the Vietnam War—The War in Vietnam—from the America at War series.

The Vietnam War was touted as a war of containment against a Communist takeover of South Vietnam, but at times it was difficult to define the enemy. Was the enemy Communist China, the U.S.S.R., the Vietcong, or war protestors in the U.S.?

Based on your readings and understanding of the war, identify the “enemy” in the Vietnam War and explain your answer.

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Reference No:- TGS01431239

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