
Discuss face to face classrooms verses virtual class rooms


1. I was really set on changing my research topic to something else, but I decided to stick with my first choice. Since I already done research on it and created a works cited for my paper. My research topic is going to be on "The importance of raising morale and how it affects an employee's work performance." The resources I have found for my research paper to help me explain my topic, are mainly on how different ways to boost employee morale. I will also include my own experiences from my current job and the types of perks they offer employees to keep them happy and try to get the turnover rate lower.

One of the articles I can across is "20 Creative Ways to Boost Employee Morale, a few books about the topic I came across was "The No Complaining Rule: Positive Ways to Deal With Negativity At Work", and "Why Motivating People Doesn't Work ... And What Does". With these articles I hope to achieve to learn new ways and gain new knowledge on how to overcome the everyday slogan "same thing, different day mentality. While it is very hard to try and motivate a group people that have worked at the same company for a few years, people kind of wonder why are they still sticking around with the same company.

2. As I have begun my research paper on my topic of social media and its effects on high school teenager's perception on standard of beauty, I felt I was overwhelmed with the information I discovered. There was so much information that I found that I did not know where to begin, but I did manage to find several articles that I believe can help me really focus on the purpose of my paper. The articles that I was able to find, "Standard of beauty and mental health in children and young people in the era of the informative revolution" and "Body image, perceived pubertal timing, and adolescent mental health.", help me explain the status of mental health that teenagers may suffer when it comes to self-esteem and body image with social media and also the correlation of body satisfaction and the usage of social media. I believe that these resources will help, further understand the pressures of what teenager today are dealing with and also ways for us to help them try and overcome these pressures.

3. I have researched a few articles that are more so to the idea about face to face classrooms verses virtual class rooms. My one, "Benefits of Studying Online ( Face to Face Classroom ) ," resource is great because it gives a break down on 5 key points. The five key points is touches upon are , career advancement, flexible schedule, lower cost, responsibility, and topic choices. it list all the positive points under each category which help me further my research topic. I also wanted to research not only the United States but how online courses occur in other countries. My other resource is " Impact of Technology in Indian Education System. "It summarizes as they haven't decided if thats the best route for their education system, which goes along with my topic of certain schools recognizing online courses as quality learning while other schools do not for certain majors. These resources will help shape my paper on why colleges decide which major should go online and which should be in person.

4. The research topic I chose was Juveniles who commit sex offenses. I have gathered a lot of information on this topic. A sex offender is someone who commits a crime involving a sexual act. Some information I gathered is the different types of sex offense, which include child pornography, indecent exposure, rape, sexual assault, and statutory rape. There are some explanations for someone committing these offenses, which are have had been sexually abused themselves, have been exposed to sexual violence, other type of abuse or neglect, social isolation, early exposure to sex or pornography, and/or atypical sexual interests. Most juvenile sex offenses go unreported. I don't want to give out everything I found so I'll stop there. This helps me set up my intro and start my body. I have done a lot of research but still need to do more. I would like to gather as much information as possible to ensure that I have accurate information and a great understanding.

5. Two resources that I found to really be useful is the "Selfie Generation: Refashioning make-up market" article by Goska Kafel and the " The Booming Beauty Industry: Millennials and Social Media are Driving Change" article by Eleanor Uttley. Both discuss how the cosmetic industry is doing really well and it's doing as well as it is because of the impact of digital marketing like social media. They're really seeing sales go up because they're targeting the younger generations like millennial and gen z'ers because of how much they are influenced by social media outlets. It's important for brands to go after these segments because they are large and growing in purchasing power. These resources help because they exactly line up with my research question and will prove my point further.

6. Your work is very theoretically based and it seems like you are finding good sources. Is there anything you think that you can find out there that supports were you are going with data?

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Business Law and Ethics: Discuss face to face classrooms verses virtual class rooms
Reference No:- TGS03045656

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