
Discuss external factors such as security issues

Based upon your readings and research, compose a 2 page written explanation of the external factors that could impact the effectiveness of e-services offered by state Boards of Education.

Discuss external factors such as security issues, confidentiality, privacy, and Web access. Evaluate how computer availability could be an applicable issue. What if the intended audience does not have computer knowledge or access to computers?

NOTE: Cite references to support your explanation.

Assignment Expectations

APA Format: Strong Introduction, Subheaders and Conclusion

To receive maximum credit, you must demonstrate understanding of the context and purpose of the assignment by brining all required elements (described above) to the discussion, and meeting additional expectations (described below).

The expected length of your assignment is 3 pages.

Include at least three in-text references, preferably including one which is other than those provided in the assigned readings.

As Master's-level students, it is expected that you develop strong skills for reviewing literature. (Students must conduct additional review of the literature as necessary.)

Your reference list and overall paper must be formatted properly in APA format and style.

HINT: To ensure a well-organized paper, begin your discussion with an introduction (including purpose statement), and then list the three or four main ideas that you will address. Be sure to include a section for each main idea, and use appropriate headings for each section. Also, include a conclusion.

Please be sure to include ALL assignment tasks.

NOTE if any web-link is not working, please report it to the professor immediately.

Required Reading

Anonymous (2010). The persisting racial digital divide in internet access. The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education (67).

Krebeck, A. (2010). Closing the 'DIGITAL DIVIDE'. Computers in Libraries, 30(8), 12-15. Retrieved May 2012 from EBSCO.

Overall, P.. (2010). The effect of service learning on LIS students' understanding of diversity issues related to equity of access. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 51(4).

Overall, Patricia (2010). Journal of Education for Library & Information Science. Fall, Vol. 51 Issue 4, p251-266. 16p. Retrieved , August 2013 from EBSCO

Vigdor, J. & Ladd, H. (2010). Scaling the digital divide: Home computer technology and student achievement. Report. Retrieved May 2012 from EBSCO.

Williams, J.K. (2011). NPower is a win-win for everyone. New York Amsterdam News, 102(12). Retrieved May 2012 from EBSCO

2 pages

3 sources

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