Assignment task: Teacher Attitudes and Deficit Model
TEXT BOOK "Between Worlds Second Language Acquisition in Changing Times
By: David E. Freeman
Review Ch. 4, especially the "Teacher Attitudes" section (pages 95-101).
Review Concept of the Week: Deficit Model videos and article
Then, click "reply" to share your answers to all FOUR of the following questions:
Question 1: Discuss examples of deficit model thinking that you see in chapter 4. Be sure to give specifics and explain how these are examples of deficit model thinking.
Question 2: Discuss asset or strength-based approaches in chapter 4. Again, be specific and explain how these are examples of asset/strength-based thinking.
Question 3: Share a time when you witnessed or experienced deficit model thinking in the classroom AND/OR share an example of a time when you witnessed or experienced an asset or strength-based approach in the classroom. What happened? How did you or other students react? How did it make you feel about learning or school?
Question 4: What do you think teachers should do to integrate ideas from hip-hop genius and teach from strength-based approaches? What do you think teachers should do to limit deficit thinking?