
Discuss examples from cathy class apply to pragmatism

Assignment Problem: Case study:

Cathy continually stresses the importance of evidence to her learners by challenging them to make and test predictions during investigations. Her goal is to provide a learning environment in which learners are encouraged to find answers to questions posed within laboratory exercises. She explained: "I think that students learn best when they construct their own knowledge and assimilate new knowledge into their knowledge base; they have got to do it you cannot just pour it into their heads. . . they need some experience, you have to give them more guidance, but once you have done it you can ask them to think about it and design their own lab" (pre-observation interview). Cathy explained she designs laboratory analysis questions challenging learners to explain how they know claims in their conclusion are accurate. Therefore, she demands learners support their explanations with evidence gathered during the investigation. Adapted from Lankford, D. (2010). Examining the pedagogical content knowledge and practice of experienced secondary biology teachers for teaching diffusion and osmosis. University of Missouri.


According to John Dewey's pragmatic theory, education should bring students in direct contact with the society in which they live. Identify and discuss any FOUR (4) examples from Cathy's class that apply to pragmatism.

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