
Discuss evidence-based practice using the pico format

Problem 1. Take a moment to observe one evidence-based practice being utilized on the unit or in the organization you are in for clinical. If by chance you are not in clinical, search the literature, hospital websites, or other professional websites committed to improving patient care such as the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (Improvement Stories section) for a current best practice. Hint: quality improvement initiatives such as implementation of best- practices / evidence-informed practices are often shared on the organization's website or intranet or tracked on the units using charts or graphs.

2. Share the chosen evidence-based practice using the PICO format on the discussion board.

P: Tell us about the population being focused on and the problem within the population. For example, patients in hospital who fall

I: Tell us what intervention (action / strategy) is being implemented ? what is being done about the problem. For example, all patients have a falls assessment and if they score as a high risk, they are given an alarm that alerts staff they are getting out of bed or out of their chair

C: What is the comparison (maybe there are monthly measurements on charts showing the difference prior to the strategy and how things have been improving since the strategy (new action) began - so past usual care as compared to the new action? For example, % of high falls risk patients who fell prior to alarms as compared to % with alarms

O: What is the improvement? For example, the monthly fall rate has improved by 20% since the quality improvement project was implemented 6 months ago.

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Other Subject: Discuss evidence-based practice using the pico format
Reference No:- TGS03366706

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