Discuss events/issues in american history

Assignment task:

Section 1: Discuss 3 major themes of particular relevance to women that should be traced through the history of American women. Explain why these themes are invaluable for an understanding of women in American history.

Section 2: Discuss 6 important women that might appear at various points in the survey (persons profiled may be "great," or typical but obscure, but together they should provide a representative sample of various significant types of American women, over time). Sojourner Truth (1797-1833): An African American abolitionist and women's rights advocate, Truth's poignant "Ain't I a Woman?" speech is a powerful reminder of the intersectionality of race and gender in the struggle for equality.

Ida B. Wells (1862-1931): A pioneering journalist and anti-lynching crusader, Wells' fearless investigative reporting exposed the harsh realities of racial violence and laid the groundwork for future civil rights activism.

Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962): The longest-serving First Lady of the United States, Roosevelt's tireless advocacy for human rights, women's rights, and social justice had a lasting impact on American policy and international relations.

Margaret Sanger (1879-1966): A trailblazing birth control activist, Sanger's efforts challenged societal norms, paved the way for reproductive rights, and fundamentally changed women's control over their own bodies.

Dolores Huerta (b. 1930): A prominent labor leader and co-founder of the United Farm Workers, Huerta's commitment to workers' rights and activism exemplify the intersection of gender and labor struggles.

Laverne Cox (b. 1972): An influential LGBTQ+ rights advocate and accomplished actress, Cox's visibility and advocacy highlight the ongoing fight for transgender rights and representation in contemporary society.

Section 3: Discuss 3 events/issues in American history whose interpretation would be substantially altered if the roles of women in them or their effects upon women were included alongside the "traditional" (more male-oriented) interpretations.


Kerber, L. K., & De Hart, J. W. (2007). Women's America: Refocusing the Past Oxford University Press.

Piercy, M. (2006). Sex Wars. William Morrow Paperbacks

Walker, M. (1999). Jubilee. Mariner Books and Open Road Integrated Media

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History: Discuss events/issues in american history
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