Complete a 1200 words research project on an environmental issue facing either Lake Erie or Lake Ontario, as they are identified as the most threatened Great Lakes.
Your project must contain a minimum of 5 references using APA format. The report should be typed using 12 point, Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier font, and double-spaced type.
Sources may include the Buffalo News, NY Times, the Washington Post, etc.
All images and maps used must site the source of the original image. The project may be done in a portfolio (landscape) format.
In your project, include the following:
Provide background about the problem.
• Discuss environmental concerns about the issue.
• Highlight any opposing viewpoints about the issue.
• Identify environmental education opportunities to involve the public.
Sample topics facing Lake Erie and Lake Ontario include:
• Lake Ontario Shoreline erosion
• Lake Erie Areas of Concern
• Lake Erie Open Lake Dumping
• Industrial Pollution
• Waterfront Access
• Invasive species
• Wastewater/Sewer Overflows
• Impacts on Climate Change
• Water runoff from farms
• Coastal development
• Urban Sprawl in the Lake Erie/Lake Ontario Basin
• Water pollution/water quality.