
Discuss elements of being behavior analyst supervisor

Assignment task:

1. I witnessed a BCBA behave physically aggressive toward my student. She crossed his arms over his body while he was on the ground and when he got up his lips were blue." Discuss which ethics code(s) this involves, if it is ethical or unethical behavior, and the necessary steps you would take to resolve it.

2. I work in Hialeah with Hispanic families, and they love giving gifts, and food. When professionals such as behavioral analyst go to a home session, the parents will often bring out elaborate food/snacks, etc. Please discuss which ethics code(s) this involves, if it is ethical or unethical behavior, and the necessary steps you would take to resolve it.

3. It was brought to my attention that one of my RBTs has a picture of a former client (no longer receiving service from us) on her phone. The mother of the client sent the picture to the RBT and frequently gives us updates on the child's well-being due to the family moving from one state to another. Discuss which ethics code this involves, if it is ethical or unethical behavior, and the necessary steps you would take to solve it.

4. An RBT is listing herself as a "behavioral analyst" on social media (Facebook and LinkedIn) and appears to be starting her own business."Discuss the ethics code(s) that are involved, if this is ethical or unethical behavior, and the necessary steps to resolve it.

5. Discuss Wyatt vs Stickney (1971) and the significant implications on behavior analysis.

6. Discuss at least 3 elements of being an effective behavior analyst supervisor.

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Reference No:- TGS03376570

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