Answer 1 of the following:
1) From a comparative perspective, critically discuss EITHER community policing OR police use of force.
2) How should reform of the death penalty in China be best understood.
Please use ALL the RELEVANT ones, and reference appropriately. I will also upload the lecture slide for each topic so use the theories or examples talked about in the lecture slide to make it look like the material is understood. Will be sending links of relevant youtube videos as well so please use them as they are mandatory. For any other questions don’t hesitate to ask. P.A.J. Waddington discussing study of police use of force Human Rights Watch testimony to US Congress…police in Brazil… Kettling tactic England ? Empire work..Kenya (MauMau revolt)..23.3 mins into video. You may also be interested in “Britain’s Gulag” by Caroline Elkins, “Histories of the Hanged” by David Anderson and “Web of Deceit” by Mark Curtis which all look at the Mau Mau revolt in Kenya in the 1950s. Taser use of force