Discuss effects of progesterone, estrogen and other hormones

Q1. Describe the effects of progesterone, estrogen, and other hormones on the body during pregnancy.

Q2. Explain the changes to the uterus during pregnancy.

Q3. Describe the effects of HPL and other hormones on the pregnant woman's ability to utilize glucose.

Q4. List some common GI changes that occur during pregnancy and their causes.

Q5. List the cardiovascular changes that typically occur during pregnancy.

Q6. Explain the changes to the respiratory system during pregnancy.

Q7. Describe the changes to the urinary system during pregnancy.

Q8. Explain the physiologic processes that initiate labor.

Q9. Describe the positive feedback mechanism of true labor.

Q10. Compare and contrast the hormonal levels in the mother prior to birth and after birth.

Q11. List the various ways that the body loses the excess ?uids gained during pregnancy.

Q12. Explain the mechanisms by which the uterus returns close to its pre-pregnancy size.

Q13. Identify the hormones responsible for initiating puberty (sexual maturation)

Q14. Distinguish between autosomes and sex chromosomes.

Q15. Explain why somatic cells are diploid but gametes must be haploid.

Q16. Give the common de?nition for puberty and list the age range during which it commonly occurs.

Q17. List some of the common developmental events that occur during puberty.

Q18. Give the common de?nition and symptoms of menopause.

Q19. De?ne the following genetic terms: karyotype, homologous chromosomes, gene, locus, and allele.

Q20. Compare and contrast the following genetic terms: autosome versus sex chromosome, dominant versus recessive alleles, homozygous versus heterozygous genotypes, and genotype versus phenotype.

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Other Subject: Discuss effects of progesterone, estrogen and other hormones
Reference No:- TGS03408782

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