Discuss effective laws and law enforcement strategies

Assignment Task 1:

Cybercrime Laws:

To mitigate cybercrime, it is important that effective laws and law enforcement strategies be in place.

In our class discussion this week, answer the following questions:

  • Discuss the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Bank Secrecy Act, and legal precedents that are designed to mitigate cybercrime and money laundering.
  • What are some of the challenges with investigating and prosecuting cybercrime?

Reading preparation:

  • Chapter 5: Sophisticated Cyber Criminal Organizations
  • Chapter 6: White-Collar Crimes
  • Taylor, R. W., Fritsch, E. J., Liederbach, J., Saylor, M. R., & Tafoya, W. L. (2019). Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism. Pearson.


Read: DOJ OIG Releases Report on the FBI's Strategy and Efforts to Disrupt Illegal Dark Web Activities

Assignment Task 2:

Everyone has a role in homeland security. For example, citizens have an important role in reporting suspicious activity. Explain the importance of public-private partnerships between homeland security and civilian stakeholders. Explain how these partnership work together to increase homeland security and in emergency management. Explain the Department of Homeland Security's Incident Command System.

Reading preparation:

Chapter 3 and Chapter 4

Radvanovsky, R. S. & McDougall, A. (2018). Critical infrastructure: Homeland security and emergency preparedness (4th ed.). CRC Press.

Assignment Task 3:

Post 1: Using what you have read this week, reflect on and answer the following questions in 150 words. You will use the provided links in Week 1 and your research from the institution databases (noGoogle, Bing, etc searches) to define leadership.  You will include this research at the bottom of your initial post, in MLA format, to avoid plagiarism.

This week, you learned about critical thinking and how it impacts your leadership style.  You also continued to explore Authentic Servant Leadership

This week, you will read and consider a real-life situation.  You are to discuss the scenario based on the leadership theories/styles/characteristics, including Authentic Servant Leadership, Critical Thinking, and Metacognition.


One of your male peers, Thomas, consistently challenges the information presented in the class, the professor, and the students who disagree with him.  Challenging the information is not the problem as professors hope that students will consider the quality, source, and credibility of information (e.g., CRAPP test that you reviewed from last and this week).  The problem is Thomas' outspoken intolerance of others' ideas and opinions; he does not demonstrate civility.

This is only the third week in the term, but the professor has become increasingly concerned because of the decrease in student participation.  While students are not openly complaining, the professor suspects that students are hesitant to share their thoughts due to Thomas' comments.  For example, during a discussion about how females typically earn less money than their male co-workers, Thomas remarked that women deserve lower pay because "Women simply don't behave in an authoritative manner.  Sometimes they whine and complain, unlike their male co-workers.  Many also do not have the same physical capabilities (e.g., strength) as their male co-workers.   These are a few reasons why women don't get paid the same as males."  Several of the younger female students have not responded to Thomas and in fact, have not fully interacted in the class discussions ever since that class lesson.

The professor wants to address the problem of rude, disrespectful students.  What should she change in how she manages the classroom to promote civility and Authentic Servant Leadership?  Based on the leadership styles that we have covered, what should she say to Thomas?  Continuing, how should the other students handle the class discussions to remain civil?  Finally, the next time she teaches the course, what are some items that she should consider changing or adding to her syllabus?

Put your writing into your own words; do not copy directly from the source. Make sure to include a source with all initial posts to earn full credit (like the required resources).


YouTube Video: Think About Thinking - It's Metacognition!

YouTube Video: Bloom's Taxonomy

Read: Servant Leader Discipline #2: Develops People

Read: Servant Leader Discipline #4: Provides Leadership

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