
Discuss effect of workforce diversity on job satisfaction


Many of the major contributors to ethical theory were described in your Chapter 1 eGuide. Your Project Assignment is to select one of the major contributors listed on the next page and prepare a written Project.

Select one of the major contributors listed below and write a 2-3 page paper addressing the below topics and questions.
Major contributors

Kemerling, Garth. (Nov.23, 2011). John Locke. [Article]. Philosophy Pages. Retrieved from https://www.philosophypages.com/ph/lock.htm

Kemerling, Garth. (Nov.24, 2011). Immanuel Kant. [Article]. Philosophy Pages. Retrieved from https://www.philosophypages.com/ph/kant.htm

Kemerling, Garth. (Nov.24, 2011). John Stuart Mill. [Article]. Philosophy Pages. Retrieved from https://www.philosophypages.com/ph/mill.htm

Kemerling, Garth. (Dec. 30, 2011). John Rawls. [Article]. Philosophy Pages. Retrieved from https://www.philosophypages.com/dy/r.htm#rawl

In one or two paragraphs, describe the person and his background.

Ethical Theories

State the theorist's contribution to ethical theory and the significance of the theory to our study of ethical decision making and ethical performance. Apply the person's theory to a recent event in the news using current newspapers, periodicals such as Time, Newsweek, or others.

How would the ethical issue taken from current news/periodicals be resolved or categorized using the theory?

To find an ethical issue in the news, go to the following websites:

Retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/business/specials/corporateethics/

Retrieved from https://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/-timestopics/subjects/e/ethics/index.html

Retrieved from https://news.google.com/news?-hl=en&ned=us&q=ethical-+dilemma&btnG=Search+News

Conclusion and Recommendation

Based on your research, what can you conclude about the person and his contribution to ethical theory?

In your opinion, why is a study of ethics important to today's business and government world?

Note: You may conduct your own search using the Library or an internet source engine, but be sure to cite your sources. Prepare your report in APA format citing source material in the body of the text and listing your references at the end of the document.

In Discussion you addressed the effect of workforce diversity on job satisfaction. Now you will continue this topic of job satisfaction in this Assignment.

Assignment: Job Satisfaction

Marla Santigo is an accountant for at Lemnah Company. Marla loves her job and spends countless hours working at the office. She enjoys working on taxes and reviewing financial records. Being an accountant was her dream and she reached hers goal after going to school evenings and weekends. Every morning she cannot wait to get to the office.

Darell Washington is a Quality Control Agent for an insurance company. He investigates potential fraud cases. He travels all over the United States investigating cases. He spends more time traveling then home. He has been doing this job for 10 years and feels the need for change. He no longer likes to be away from his family. He feels the company is full of politics and does not respect employees.
Mike Walker is a retail store manager for Outdoor Inc. He believes in the quality products his store sells. He comments that retail is a tough business but enjoys a challenge. He enjoys seeing the new products come into the store every season. His employees remark that Mike is a great manager and passionate about his job. He makes himself available to employees on days off and can often be found in the store during his vacation. Lately though, he is feeling stressed due to the demands from corporate about daily sales. He wants to succeed and get promoted but feels helpless because last quarter's sales were down.

Working more than 40 hours, constant travelling, and being available 24 hours a day seven days a week can be a challenge to most people. This can leave them feeling stressed and burned out. However, some people find this exhilarating and thrive on the demands of the job and cannot wait for the next challenge.


Address the following questions in your 2-3 page essay adding an additional title and references page:

The three employees and their jobs at three different companies considered are:
Maria- Accountant; Darell- Quality Control Manager for an insurance company; and Mike, Retail Store Manager for an outdoor products company.

What characteristics of these jobs might contribute to increased levels of job satisfaction?

What characteristics of these jobs might contribute to decreased levels of job satisfaction?

The three individuals we just read about have different levels of satisfaction with their jobs, how might their levels of satisfaction relate to:

their job performance

citizenship behavior


company profit

Please submit your minimum APA formatted and citation styled 2-3 pages of body text, and include an additional title and references page.

Directions for submitting your Assignment:

Before you submit your Assignment, you should save your work using the correct naming convention: Last_first Name_Homework_Unit

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Microeconomics: Discuss effect of workforce diversity on job satisfaction
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