
Discuss - educational needs of children in special education

Assignment 1: 4 pages

As we close out Module 2, paper summarizing the classification process and importance of individualizing instruction to meet the educational needs of children in special education.

In addition to researching the classification process and individualized instruction, you will:

  • Interview a member of on an IEP assessment team and discuss their experience in determining educational placement.
  • Interview a teacher and discuss their experience utilizing the strengths and challenges in individualized instruction, specifically EBPs.

Required Readings/Preparation:

  • Defining child with a disability: Sec. 300.8 Child with a disability. (May, 2018). IDEA. Retrieved March 2, 2021.
  • View the process to guide decision making about appropriate educational programming for the child: IRIS Center. (2021). What is the IEP Process? Retrieved March 2, 2021.
  • NYS's placement recommendation guide: N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 8 § 200.6.
  • U.S. Department of Education deciding placement guide: United States Department of Education (2019). A Guide to the Individualized Education Program, Deciding Placement. Retrieved March 2, 2021.
  • A tip sheet of The Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE's preschool placement recommendations: IncludeNYC (n.d.). Tip Sheet - Preschool Special Education. Retrieved March 2, 2021.
  • Students receiving special education supports require individualized instruction that support their progress towards individual goals that are set during the IEP meeting. Take a look at the components of individualized instruction:
  • Alfonso, V., Flanagan, D., & Mascolo, J. Essentials of Planning, Selecting, and Tailoring Interventions for Unique Learners. Chapters 1 and 2.

The process for EBP implementation is shown in the chart on page 69:

Torres, C., Farley, C., & Cook, B. G. (In press). A special educator's guide to successfully implementing evidence-based practices. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 45, 64-73.


Understanding the IEP Process: The Basics of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) (3:50)  -This quick video provides a summary of the IEP process

Additional Resources:

The U.S. Department of Education and other agencies and organizations maintain websites and databases with information on evidence-based practices in the field of education:

- What Works Clearinghouse

The What Works Clearinghouse is housed at the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences. What Works Clearinghouse produces practice guides and reports with recommendations for schools on interventions in various topical areas.

- Promising Practices Network

The Promising Practices Network provides research-based information on programs and practices that have been shown to be effective in improving the lives of children, including educational outcomes.

- The Center for Evidence-Based Practices

The Center for Evidence-Based Practices' goal is to bridge the research-to-practice gap in the areas of early childhood education and family support.

- Research Basics

Research Basics is a collection of articles and resources on understanding educational research and statistics from the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY).

There are also disability specific sites that highlight specific EBPs: National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorder

Assignment 2: 3 pages

Prepare paper in which you will summarize the varying elements and factors that contribute to a child's placement in an appropriate special education program.  Need Online Tutoring?

Be sure to include:

  • the continuum of services
  • the Least Restrictive Environment and
  • socio-economic and racial disparities in special education classification and placement

Please be sure to include the following components in your work:

  • use resources from the course, as well as at least one additional scholarly, professional text.

Required Readings:

  • Read about the PLOP, and what considerations to include here: Training & Technical Assistance Center, William & Mary College (2013). The Heart of the IEP Considerations Packet (p.2-4). (PDF; an accessible Word [doc.x] version is available)
  • See this snapshot of what an IEP meeting entails: Advocates for Children of New York (2019). Tip Sheet: Preparing for an IEP Meeting. (PDF; an accessible Word [doc.x] version is available)
  • Read about the Least Restrictive Environment here: IRIS Center (n.d.). Information Brief: Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). (PDF; an accessible Word [doc.x] version is available)
  • Read NYS's Continuum of Special Education Services for School-Age Students with Disabilities: NYSED (2013). Continuum of Special Education Services for School-Age Students with Disabilities.

Beside student achievement towards the standards, unfortunately, other factors often play a role in special education services. Refer to these articles:

  • Farnsworth (2016). Consider Culture Before Referral of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students for Special Education Services. ColorinColorado.
  • O'Connor, C., & Fernandez, S. D. (2006). Race, Class, and Disproportionality: Reevaluating the Relationship Between Poverty and Special Education Placement. Educational Researcher, 35(6), 6-11.
  • Fish, R. (2019). Standing Out and Sorting In: Exploring the Role of Racial Composition in Racial Disparities in Special Education. American Educational Research Journal, 56(6), 2573-2608.


View this short video about the continuum of special education services for school-age students with disabilities: San Juan Unified School District (2018) Special Education overview-- Continuum of Services (1:31).

Beside student achievement towards the standards, unfortunately, other factors often play a role in special education services. View this video: ColorinColorado (2016) How culture may impact behavior in the classroom. (A human-captioned version with transcript is also available

Assignment 3: 3 pages

In this module, you gained access to resources and materials in support of the explanation of the rights of children, parents, and the supportive role schools play. You also gained access to support organizations and community agencies that could support the student.

In this assignment, you will write paper explaining the rights and role of the student and parent, as well as the role the school and community play in the IEP/IFSP process.

Required readings:

  • Read up on the roles and responsibilities of special education teachers: American Academy of Special education Professionals (2006). Staff Development in Special Education: Roles and Responsibilities of the Special Education Teacher. (Accessible word document version; do not distribute.)
  • Staples and Dilberto highlight guidelines for successful parent involvement: Staples, K. and Diliberto, J. (2000). Guidelines for Successful Parent Involvement: Working With Parents of Students With Disabilities. Teaching Exceptional Children, 42(6), p58-63.
  • Read this article by Bernadette Knoblauch to see the big picture of the parent/guardian role, rights and responsibilities: Knoblauch, B. (1998). Rights and Responsibilities of Parents of Children with Disabilities. ERIC Digest via Reading Rockets. ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education.
  • Grade and age of the student plays a role in the IEP process; take a look at differences in the roles of students and parents from middle school to high school: IncludeNYC.org (2020). High School vs. Post-Secondary Disability Laws.
  • Here, the Advocates for Children of New York created a guide to Special Education. Please read through this guide and note how this resource may be beneficial to a family: Advocates for Children of New York (2016). AFC'S Guide to Special Education. (Accessible word document version; do not distribute.)
  • Community supports are also a vital role in the lives of students who receive special education services. Read: Warner, K., Hull, K, and Laughlin, M. (Oct. 2015). The Role of Community in Special Education: A Relational Approach.

The role of community plays an exceptionally large role when a student is planning for post-secondary goals and/or is graduating from high school.  Read pages 23-28 of A Transition Guide to Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities to see how the community connection is essential in the planning for employment, living arrangements, and addressing student's social and emotional needs.

Additional Resources:

There are many support organizations for parents to access. See Special Education Guide's comprehensive list: Support and Resources for Parents and Teachers.


Stephanie DeLussey. (June 3, 2020). Student Led IEP Meetings - Giving ALL Students a Voice (video; 31:09).  Ensuring the student gets a say in their own education, progress and needs empowers the student increasing independence, self-advocacy and accountability. View this video about student IEP participation.

Assignment 4: 1 page

View the TEDTalks videos below, as people discuss how education has impacted their lives. The videos are the basis for the module discussion.

  • Grandin, T. (2010). The World Needs All Kinds of Minds (19:27).
  • McCabe, J. (2017). This is What It's Really Like to Live with ADHD (17:13).
  • DiMarco, N. (2018). Why We Need to Make Education More Accessible to the Deaf (14:28)
  • Pistorius, M. (2015). How my mind came back to life - and no one knew (13:59).
  • Heumann, J. (2016). Our Fight for Disability Rights - and Why We're Not Done Yet (17:01).

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