
Discuss-educating children and adolescents


Create a 7 page:

The title of the paper will be: Juvenile gang and the perils of gang involvement

You need to find 4 articles about that.

Type Research Hypothesis:

Educating children and adolescents, at home, school, in community programs, about the perils of gang involvement will reduce their chances of becoming involved in gangs as they get older.

Juvenile gang involvement is a problem of global magnitude. This is a concern affecting not only inner cities communities but rural communities as well. As seasoned gangs members target juveniles for potential gang recruitment, juveniles are joining gangs at a younger age.

Accordingly, it is believed that by informing children and adolescents of the perils that a life in gangs brings, they would be would be less inclined to even consider getting involved in gangs. I believe this theory is supported by the empirical literature.R

The Research Paper is an assignment requiring the submission of 2 distinct works:

Components of the Research Paper:

• The rationale: why the research is needed and what the general area of current concern is.

• Existing research: what is already known about the general area of the proposed research.

• The research Development Proposal.

• A discussion of information needed for the Development Proposal.


• Current APA formatting (12 point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced).

• Length of 7-10 pages.

• Page numbers according to current APA guidelines.

• Third person voice.

• Must include:

o Cover page with the proposal title, student name, course name, and instructor name.

o References/Bibliography Page.

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Other Subject: Discuss-educating children and adolescents
Reference No:- TGS01976555

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