
Discuss doctoral persistence of students in business program


Topic: Doctoral persistence of students in business programs


• A thematic review would have subtopics based upon factors that relate to the theme or issue. Sometimes, though, you might need to add additional sections that are necessary for your study, but do not fit in the organizational strategy of the body. What other sections you include in the body is up to you. Put in only what is necessary. Here are a few other sections you might want to consider:

o Current Situation: Information necessary to understand the topic or focus of the literature review.

o History: The chronological progression of the field, the literature, or an idea that is necessary to understand the literature review, if the body of the literature review is not already a chronology.

o Methods and/or Standards: The criteria you used to select the sources in your literature review or the way in which you present your information. For instance, you might explain that your review includes only peer-reviewed articles and journals.

o Questions for Further Research: What questions about the field has the review sparked? How will you further your research as a result of the review?" (The Writing Center, para. 14).

• Comprehensive thematic review of the scholarly literature related to the topic

• Lay the foundation for the qualitative research design, interviews, and data analysis assignments.


• A literature review is composed and structured similar to that of an expository essay (see below details regarding formatting), while an annotated bibliography is an alphabetized list of sources, individually addressed by the description and comments following each reference:

• Introduction: Gives a quick idea of the topic of the literature review, such as the central theme or organizational pattern.

• Body: Contains your discussion of sources and is organized thematically (see below for more information on each).

• Conclusions/Recommendations: Discuss what you have drawn from reviewing literature so far. Where might the discussion proceed?" (The Writing Center, para. 12).

• Do not directly quote more than 40 words from any 1 source.

• Do not use the same source more than a total of 3 times within the whole document, for quoting or paraphrasing.

• Quotes must contain the section (if provided) and paragraph or page numbers of the quote and this information must be placed in the references section.

• In all instances, be sure to use the APA guidelines for citations and references.


Northwestern. (n.d.). How is a literature review different from an annotated bibliography.

The Writing Center, The University of North Carolina. (n.d.). Literature reviews.

Templeton, R. (2016). Doctorate Motivation: An (Auto) ethnography. Australian Universities' Review, 58(1), 39-44.

Van der Linden, N., Devos, C., Boudrenghien, G., Frenay, M., Azzi, A., Klein, O., &Galand, B. (2018). Gaining insight into doctoral persistence: Development and validation of Doctorate-related Need Support and Need Satisfaction short scales. Learning and individual differences, 65, 100-111.

Creswell, J. W. & Poth, C. N. (2018). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches. (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Yin, R. K. (2018). Case study research and applications: Design and methods. (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

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