
Discuss direct marketing and advertising

Healthcare Marketing Discussion Post Responses

Personal Responses to two discusion posts. APA formating, 200 words. Posts are as follows. Seperate anwsers please!

Post 1: After reviewing the essential components of promotion, I will rely on community outreach, direct marketing and advertising in my marketing plan to add a cardiologist to the 35th Medical Group. Community outreach is a great way to inform the community about newly available services. According to Thomas & Calhoun (2007), although this method is hard when attempting to measure effectiveness, the organization often gains customers. The 35th Medical Group already attends a newcomer's orientation once a week to provide information related to their capabilities and what to expect when seeking care from host nation providers. Adding cardiology capability information to an existing presentation will require little cost to increase public awareness.

Considering a large portion of the population have already attended the orientation, direct marketing will assist in reaching established members of the community. Although there would be a cost associated with creating advertising material, the Military Postal System (MPS) is free of charge when mailing packages or letters from an overseas location to an overseas location so they can save on the cost of mailing. Finally, for those members of the community that may not have access to an MPS post office box, there is the Leisure Times, a local magazine published monthly. The magazine is available to all members of the Misawa community free of charge however there is a fee to place an advertisement. According to Thomas & Calhoun (2007), local magazines tend to reach a larger audience than newspapers. A mix of techniques to kick off the campaign seems to be the best strategy for the 35th Medical Group.

Thomas, R. K, & Calhoun, M. (2007). Marketing matters: A guide for healthcare executives. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. ISBN: 978-1-56793-276-8

Post 2: My organization, San Antonio Military Medical Center (SAMMC), is looking to encourage military veterans and retirees to utilize our primary care services rather than just our specialty and pharmacy services. To market this initiative effectively, we need to look at multiple aspects, specifically audience, organization reputation, and message (Thomas & Calhoun, 2007). Based on our target demographic (primarily middle aged to elderly males), it would make sense to avoid social media or other major media sources. SAMMC is the largest medical center in the DOD and has a long, solid reputation in the San Antonio community. Therefore, it would not make sense to have an over-the-top marketing campaign (Thomas & Calhoun, 2007). And because this campaign is not simply for a grand opening, the medium needs to be more personalized and must allow for a more complex message (Thomas & Calhoun, 2007).

With all of this in mind, the best approach would be to distribute small postcards detailing this new initiative to all veterans/retirees that use specialty and pharmacy services. Additionally, when patients are sent patient/customer satisfaction surveys, SAMMC can also include this information in the packet. Using both mediums, our organization would be utilizing a "multipronged" approach (Thomas & Calhoun, 2007), one that will both explain and emphasize the intended message.

Thomas, R. K., & Calhoun, M. (2007). Retrieved from Marketing Matters: A Guide for Healthcare Executives: https://viewer.books24x7.com/assetviewer.aspx?bookid=26352&chunkid=488034744#.

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Marketing Management: Discuss direct marketing and advertising
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