
Discuss digital single market-potential efficiency gain

• Watch the video titled, "Explanations by Jyrki Katainen, Vice-President of the EC, on the new EU strategic investment plan", (2 min 33 s) located at https://europa.eu/!uD68Jr. Next, go to the European Commission's Website and explore the links on this page https://ec.europa.eu/priorities/jobs-growth-investment/plan/index_en.htm. (Note: Screenshots of the links are provided below.) Investigate the potential for countries to use the opportunity discussed in these links to directly invest in a country governed by the EU. Suggest which country(ies) and industry(ies) would have the most successful outcomes from this opportunity. Provide a rationale for your response. Note: Consider cultural barriers, countries that would not be a good fit, etc.

• Read the article titled, "Digital Single Market: Potential efficiency gain: 260 billion euro per year", located on pages 8-9 of Mapping the Cost of Non-Europe, 2014-19, located here. You may also view the article at https://www.europarl.europa.eu/the-secretary-general/resource/static/files/files/mapping-the-cost-of-non-europe--march-2014-.pdf. If Europe creates a single digital market, speculate on the major positive and negative effects on European culture. Recommend key actions that countries in the EU can take in order to protect heritage and local customs. Provide a rationale for your response.

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Marketing Management: Discuss digital single market-potential efficiency gain
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