By completing this review students will be able to:
• Discuss and critique digital media works in the context of screen theory and philosophy.
• Demonstrate their knowledge of screen language by analysing a moving image sequence.
• Understand interaction as a form of communication.
• Discuss and describe important aspects of screen/game culture with reference to specific creators and masterwork.
• Critically analyse and identify the development of technologies and their effects on technique and in turn the art form.
• This assessment is a written Review. Students will research and reply in an essay format.
• Your Review needs to be minimum TEN hours work outside of class.
• Include high-quality images in your Review to illustrate the points you are making.
• Fill out the guideline handout for evaluating a documentary as you view Video Games: The Movie (2014) in class. Use the gathered information to write your Review. These guidelines are intended to help shape your Review. Although you don't need to answer each and every question, these are the issues you should address. You can, of course, add questions/issues as you see fit.
• Thoroughly research the subject matter from a range of different sources.
• Fully reference all images, ideas and quotations with a recognised referencing system.
• You may use alternatives to a standard, text-only essay. If you use an alternate format to a traditional essay, you will be evaluated for whether the amount of work has been equivalent.