Discuss different ways to think and talk about racism


I would like us to explore racism. There are a lot of different ways to think and talk about racism. To get us started, I would like you to listen to the MP3 that is posted in this week's module. It is called 'A New Jim Crow'. This MP3 is a radio interview from Radio West which is a show that airs on the station that broadcasts from the University of Utah. I picked this sound clip because I think there are pieces in it that will challenge everyone's assumptions, regardless of what those are! After listening to the 52 minute interview please engage in a good discussion about what points struck you the most. If you would like to share a strong opinion (either agreeing or disagreeing with anything) please be sure to try to back up your statements with some sort of empirical evidence and not just your own perceptions. I look forward to a vibrant and respectful conversation where we can all listen to each other's thoughts with an open mind!

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