
Discuss difference perspective on abraham

Assignment task:


Romans 4:1-3

The Letter of James

[Review Galatians]


1. The book of James has been described as wisdom literature - practical writings that focus on concrete ways that faith is lived out, day to day. What specific verses (or general themes) in James would support that description? Identify at least three. 

2. Though Paul tells us that the law was a temporary guide to righteousness (Gal.3:23-26) and that Christ "abolished the law" (Eph.2:15), James clearly believes that the law is still somehow in effect for Christian believers (read 1:22-25; 2:8-13; 4:11-12). How ought we to make sense of this?  Is there a contradiction here?  What does James seem to mean by "the law," and how ought it to be fulfilled?

3. James talks about faith and works in chapter two, and he does so by arguing against two different positions someone might take on the matter. Look closely at the following texts:

2:14-17 - what "position" on the relation between faith and works is being put forward here, and how does James respond?

2:18-19 - a different position on the matter is set forward. What is it, and what makes it different from the one explored in 2:14-17?  How might James' response be clarified?  What is his point?

Clearly, James believes works are essential if we are to be saved. His question, "Can faith save you?" in 2:14 implies that "faith alone" cannot save you (see 2:24).  But what kind of "works" does he have in mind, and how does his definition differ from the way Paul uses the term?

4. James and Paul have a difference perspective on Abraham. Though both appeal to Genesis 15, one seems to also include Genesis 22. Compare how each letter writer references Abraham in Romans 4:1-3 and James 2:21-23.

5. Provide at least 5 observations that struck you from your reading of James. What questions are raised in your mind?

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