Discuss diagnosis of pediatric bipolar depression disorder

DISCUSSION: Pediatric Bipolar Depression Disorder Debate


Some debate in the literature exists specific to whether or not bipolar disorder can be diagnosed in childhood. While some have anecdotally argued that it is not possible for children to develop bipolar disorder (as normal features of childhood confound the diagnosis), other sources argue that pediatric bipolar disorder is a fact.

In this Discussion, you engage in a debate as to whether pediatric bipolar disorder is possible to diagnose.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

o Evaluate diagnosis of pediatric bipolar depression disorder

o Analyze consequences to diagnosing/failing to diagnose pediatric bipolar depression disorder

To Prepare for the Discussion:

a) The instructor will assign you a position for or against the issue of diagnosing pediatric bipolar depression disorder.

b) Review the Learning Resources concerning the controversy over the diagnosis of pediatric bipolar depression disorder.

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Discuss diagnosis of pediatric bipolar depression disorder
Reference No:- TGS03031707

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