Assignment task:
It is easy to believe that media and peer influence play the most crucial role throughout the developmental stages of adolescents. However, parental influence is often overlooked and considered a dominating factor. The adolescent-parent relationship impacts adolescents most as they transition into adulthood (Mills-Koonce, 2018).
Potential reactions to an adolescent's questioning of their sexual identity or gender role can impact their social environment, behavior, and self-esteem, depending on whether the reactions are positive or negative. Suppose an adolescent decides to come out to their parent(s), and there is an adverse reaction. In that case, any prior feelings of trust that the relationship had are at risk of being broken, resulting in the child feeling emotionally abandoned. However, if an adolescent expresses their sexuality to their parent(s), and there is a positive reaction, the developed feelings of trust and safety are confirmed (Mills-Koonce, 2018). Either way, the relationships within the family have the potential to be altered, resulting in families growing closer together or drifting apart. Furthermore, an adverse reaction to an adolescent coming out could result in increased rates of anxiety, depression, and self-isolation.
As a social worker, I can help support adolescents who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community in various ways. Most importantly, I can support and help them develop a better understanding of their thoughts, dreams, and beliefs. I can also provide any resources that will be helpful such as connecting them with local clubs or housing if needed. Suppose adolescents have a negative experience when they come out to their family. In that case, I can utilize a person-in-environment approach to understand better their relationship with their loved ones and how to help support any changes that have occurred (Brandon-Friedman, 2019).
Respond to the post above by offering additional insight about how social workers can work toward assuring the best outcomes for adolescents who are questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity. Please use the Learning Resources to support your response.