Discuss derivations for an ideal two state paramagnet

Complete the below:

Q: Consider an ideal 2-state paramagnet. The entropy is given by:

S = k [N ln N - Nu ln Nu - Nd ln Nd],

where Nu and Nd are related to total number N, internal energy U, magnetic field B and magnetic moment μ by

Nu = (N - U/μB)/2, Nd = (N + U/μB)/2

(a) Use the relation T-1 = (∂S/∂U)N,B to derive U/μB = -N tanh x (where x = μB/kT)

(b) Show that S can be written as

S = Nk [ln (2 cosh x) - x tanh x]

(c) Find the low and high temperature limits (T → 0 and T → ∞) of S.

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Chemistry: Discuss derivations for an ideal two state paramagnet
Reference No:- TGS01886478

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