Acquisition Project Scheduling and Cost Management Plan document shell
1. Use Word
2. Title page
- Course number and name
- Project name
- Your name
- Date
3. Table of Contents (TOC)
- Use an autogenerated TOC.
- This should be on a separate page.
- This should be a maximum of 3 levels deep.
- Be sure to update the fields of the TOC so that it is up-to-date before submitting your project.
4. Section headings (create each heading on a new page with "TBD" as the content, except for sections listed under "New Content" below)
- Project Outline
- Cost, Schedule, and Technical Performance Management
- Management of Small Projects
- Acquisition Project Guidelines
- Costing Methods and Tools
- Earned Value Management System
- Overall Cost and Schedule Performance
5. New content to be inserted in document shell
Project Outline
- Give a brief description of the project.
- Discuss the overall project deliverable.
- The material can be taken from approved proposal submitted to instructor, and this will serve as the draft for the proposal.
- Be sure this project is approved by the instructor.
Cost, Schedule, and Technical Performance
- Discuss cost techniques both in determining initial estimates and in monitoring and controlling them throughout the life of the project.
- Determine the project schedule for the acquisition component of the overall project and include a copy of it.
- Develop the program evaluation and review technique (PERT) and critical path method (CPM) for this Key Assignment acquisition project, and include copies of those charts in this section.
- Describe all of the key schedule influencers that can impact a schedule positively or negatively and how you would handle them.