
Discuss cost management and life-cycle cost theory


The autumn morning is sunny with heavy crowds using the various subway trains. It is a perfect day for shopping at the mall and other shopping areas around the city. As passengers are boarding a subway there's an explosion that rips the on-coming train apart. Panic takes over most of the crowd. Several minutes there's another explosion in the station. More panic.

A security guard quickly dials 9-1-1: "I'm calling from the Waldorf Station. We've just had an explosion in station and one on a train." Everybody's screaming. I don't know how many are injured... People are injured and some appear to be quite serious! "

I. Based on the above description, what type of disaster do you believe happened at this instance?

What would the first three actions you would take if you considered it to be a terrorist attack?

Whom would you immediately contact and what would you tell them or ask of them?

Since the shoppers are panic-stricken what are your most significant fears if order isn't quickly restored?

What recommendations/advice would you provide the disaster coordinator/Incident Commander at this time?

Briefly describe what you consider should be an appropriate media response to this disaster scenario. Also be sure to consider current U.S. policy against terrorism and the role of Federal agencies and the implementation of the NRP.

Hall, Robert and Erica Dusenberry Dimitrov. â??The Application of Cost management and Life-Cycle Cost Theory to Homeland Security National Priorities.â? Homeland Security Affairs V, no. 2 (May 2009)

II. After reviewing the following article cited above please respond to the below question:


Rarely do political leaders openly discuss cost management and life-cycle cost theory when they address security issues and the "war on terrorism." Of course, we all know that decisions are always made with costs a clear concern. Carefully read the six steps used to implement the LLC methodology. Briefly discuss what you believe to a strength and a weakness in the LLC methodology.

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Other Management: Discuss cost management and life-cycle cost theory
Reference No:- TGS01890588

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