Problem: Peer response needed for below:
We have all experienced the controversy and conflict during the Covid pandemic. These conflicts are driven by fear of authoritarian governments, suspicion of deceitful authorities, concerns about arbitrary exercises of power, and by the anti-authoritarian attitude towards civic culture and U.S. politics(Bayer, 2007). The Constitution gives states broad power to protect public health and safety; however, our 14th Amendment prevents infringement on the immunities and privileges of the citizens of the United States without due process.
I do not believe quarantines should be mandated only because enforcing quarantines would create multifactorial problems and most likely worsen the situation. I do wish more people had the common courtesy and decency to quarantine instead of selfishness. During the pandemic I placed a note on our front and back doors stating if you are not vaccinated or masked come back when you are.
Bayer, R. (2007). The continuing tensions between individual rights and public health. EMBO Reports, 8(12), 1099-1103.