
Discuss contingency factors of organisational design


THIS IS AN INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT. You are required to engage with the material by writing a short discussion of how the material relates to the topic(s) of this subject and how it relates to your own personal experience. You create a blog each week, providing evidence that you have reviewed and engaged with the e-learning activity.

These blogs are assessed in the following way:

1. Blogs are spot checked by your lecturer.

2. By the end of Week 6, students choose their best two blogs and submit them as an assignment. Each blog should be in two sections: Section 1 - List the key ideas you have extracted from the e-learning activity.

Section 1 - Apply those ideas to your own experience or to an organisation you are familiar with.

The written report of your two best blogs needs to be 1½ spaced and has a 1,000 word limit

In your blog, you should address the following two sections:

1) Section 1: list the key ideas you have extracted from the prescribed e-learning activity.

2) Section 2: apply those ideas to your own experience, to an organisation you know and to the topic(s) of this subject.

Visit the following URLs, and use Questions to consider to guide your thinking.

Activity 1: Solomon Asch and Group Conformity


(1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyDDyT1lDhA;

(2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuvGh_n3I_M

Questions to consider:

1. Does your own personal decision-making always reflect an objective process?

2. Does the desire to be accepted as a part of a group leave one susceptible to conforming to the group's norms?

3. Identify and discuss situational factors that can enable a group to exert pressure strong enough to change a member's attitude and behaviour.

Activity 2: Holacracy

URL: Zappos just abolished bosses. Inside tech latest management craze.

Questions to consider:

1. What's your understanding of holacracy? How would you describe it compared to bureaucracy and team-based structure?

2. Discuss how Contingency Factors of Organisational Design are at work in the case of Zappos?

3. In what ways do you think innovative culture is related to (agile) organisational structure?

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Strategic Management: Discuss contingency factors of organisational design
Reference No:- TGS03044805

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