
Discuss constitutional issues affected by usa patriot act


Each answer must be double spaced in APA format and be 400 words or more in length using Arial 11 or Times New Roman 12 point font. One inch margins all the way around. Sources must be cited for both questions.

Q1. Discuss constitutional issues affected by the USA PATRIOT Act

Q2. Adam Liptak (2011) of the New York Times expresses concern about America's effort to combat terrorism threatening civil liberties. What is this threat based upon, and what actions might prevent this from occurring?

Discuss the below in a 100 words :

1. No matter the threat faced, we always must be careful to not relegate out privacy and freedom away in the name of security. Certain measures have been put into place to prevent America's privacy from becoming infringed upon. The US government has proven reckless with collection in the name of security in the past (White, 2014, p. 342). A pattern has been set for overstepping bounds and performing the ever-feared "Big Brother" role. The issue becomes that in attempting to defeat terrorism, we create a fascist community with no freedoms at all.

A more likely threat is terrorism will work from afar the same way an insurgency begins. Rural (global) areas will begin to cause chaos as they can. The official government will attempt to reign in the chaos, in doing so severely tightening security and oppression of everyday people. This will cause backlash against those who relish the freedoms we have, creating revolt, protests, and maybe even incite violence. This is the way of insurgency. Even if by an unintended means, if we respond to terrorism too aggressively, those who wish to topple the West may get exactly what they wish.

2. It is necessary to limit governmental power even when the nation is threatened by terrorism because we are founded off the greatness that we are a free country and privileged to certain liberties. This is way it is said that we are one of the greatest countries in the world specifically due to the many freedoms we are afforded. When we look back at the Constitution and what it serves, we see that the Bill of Rights outlines governmental limitations ensuring our civil liberties regardless the situation. Processes are in place to correctly solve issues or retrieve information for acquire justice. Decreasing civil liberties limits individual freedom and increases governmental power (White, pg. 390). Although there have been some steps to a closer median such as the Patriot Act, the government needs to be restricted on how they use the extension of their power to avoid having a society under fear and reserve. The Patriot Act raised concerns due to its provisions for allowing roving wiretaps and increase power to seize evidence.

3. Title: Hamas: Political or Terrorist Group

I. Introduction.

a. Thesis statement: Hamas joined the political mainstream and was voted into majority of the political seats. The group may have entered politics for a free Palestine, but it still does not agree with a Jewish state existing in the Middle East. Ultimately, the Hamas is still a terrorist group under the structure of being an umbrella for smaller terrorist groups.

II. Body.

a. Background

i. History

ii. Original Founding

iii. Ideology

b. Terrorism

i. Areas of Influence

ii. Historical Attacks

iii. Political change

c. National Security

i. Affiliations

ii. Current situation

III. Conclusion.

Summary/Closing statement: There has been a long-time hatred between Israel and Palestine over religious beliefs. Palestine is now governed by a terrorist group, Hamas, that has legitimized themselves by entering government. The Hamas leadership is largely divided between its resident leadership cadres inside Gaza, and its government in exile, domiciled in Doha, Qatar. Regardless of holding seats in government, Hamas is still affiliated with other terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihadist, that push to suppress the religion and citizens of Israel. Hamas does not desire to coexist with a non-Islamic state nor negotiate peace agreements with Israel and maintains its status as a terrorist organization.

4. Boko Haram: A History of Violence

I. Introduction

a. Who is Boko Haram?

b. Location of Boko Haram influence

c. Organizational leadership and structure

d. Typology / Primary organizational goals

I. Composition / Tactics of Boko Haram

a. Size of Boko Haram force

b. Tactics, Techniques and Procedures commonly utilize by Boko Haram

c. Boko Harams ability to conduct cross-border operations

I. Sociopolitical factors

a. Why does Boko Haram exist?

b. Extent of poverty in the North / North Eastern portion of Nigeria

I. Utilization of partnerships to counter Boko Haram

a. US / African Nation efforts to counter Boko Haram threat


Boko Haram is a Nigerian based terrorist organization that has plagued Nigeria since 2009. Boko Haram is also credited with having the ability to strike internationally; conducting bombings and utilizing small unit tactics inside Chad, Niger and Cameroon. The goal of this terror organization is the opposition and complete destruction of anything that resembles secular authority. Boko Harams' typical terrorist activity include raids of towns and villages, bombings, kidnappings, robberies and assassinations. While conducting raids, Boko Haram fighters often execute village government, political leaders and elders in public demonstrations, destroy prisons and free prisoners and burn down churches. The women and children are taken by Boko Haram for further exploitation. Boko Harams' existence today is a direct byproduct of the horrendous political corruption that has plagued Nigeria for the last three decades. To counter the threat and influence of Boko Haram the U.S. and other Partner Nations have joined forces.

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