
Discuss constant views on morality and freedom


Essay questions for final (Each question must be at lest one paragraph long)

1. Compare and contrast Thomas Aquinas andMuhammad al-Shaybanion just war, how is religion conned to war for these scholars?

2. Discuss the problems with Thomas Hobbes's making relations amongst states analogous to relations among individuals in the state of nature?

3. Discuss constant views on morality and freedom. Discuss cons views on morality and freedom.

4. What is democratic peace theory? What are realisms criticism of this theory? What are some procedural problems associated with the establishment of perpetual peace, based on the democratic peace theory.

5. Define the concept of the invisible hand? What is the moral connotation behind this concept? Why is it problematic to ascribe moral implications to the invisible hand. (Basically why or how do we give moral meaning to this concept. Why is it problematic to ascribe moral implication to the invisible hand.)

6. What is freedom for Karl Marx? Discuss the concept of alienation and its connections to capitalism. According to Marx how should we end human alienation.

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History: Discuss constant views on morality and freedom
Reference No:- TGS03179658

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