
Discuss-consequences of the war on terror


This assignment is a reflection paper on the significance of a historical issue in today's world. You may select a topic from the list below or chose a subject of your own liking. The goal of this paper is to provide critical reflection and analysis on the continuity and change in history based on topics . This paper should contain three or more comprehensive paragraphs with a minimum of 300 words.

The following are guidelines for your paper:

1. Selecting a Topic: You need to select a history topic covered that has modern day connections.

2. Writing the Paper: Your paper should include three sections - introduction, body, and conclusion.

• Introduction - should provide an overview of the issue and your thesis statement.

• Body - should discuss the issue in detail and depth. It contains two or more points in separate paragraphs to support your thesis statement. Each paragraph in the body should start with a topic sentence, followed with analysis and supporting evidence.

• Conclusion - wraps up your essay, restating your thesis statement and the main points from the body paragraphs as a recap.

• Source Citations - are important to document your evidence. There should be three or more in-text source citations from the assigned readings and course materials.

The following are some broad issues for you to consider; please make sure that your topic is specific and manageable.

1. The consequences of the "war on terror."

2. The validity of student protest.

3. Whether the Nazi Holocaust will ever happen again.

4. Modern expressions of art (music, visual arts, poetry, etc.) say about the direction the world is going.

5. Whether national alliances make the world safer.

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History: Discuss-consequences of the war on terror
Reference No:- TGS02062546

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