Discuss conflicts between parents and adolescents

Problem: Can someone please provide your thoughts what are your thoughts, questions that come to mind, and whether or not the choice of methodology matches my research? What questions come to mind?

Here is the post:

Conflicts between parents and adolescents in a family are always bound to arise due to differences in perspectives, opinion, maturity levels and values as a child's view of things changes as they age as aging comes with physical, emotional and physiological changes and a sense of maturity that contribute to their identity, image and comportment. These factors make me ponder the influence of parental authoritative and rigid approach to parenting on the emotional and physiological development of adolescents in times of conflict.

I hypothesize that adolescents with parents who adopt an authoritative and rigid parenting style will exhibit emotional volatility during conflicts and demonstrate difficulties expressing emotions and resolving conflicts effectively which will impact their overall emotional development.

To test this hypothesis, I will adopt a quantitative approach by conducting interviews with adolescents who are being brought up by authoritative parents versus grown adults who grew up in a household where strict parenting was adopted. I will assess the present emotional growth of adolescents and how they express themselves and how it is shaping them emotionally and psychologically over a period of time. I will compare this data with the adults who have already been fully developed emotionally and psychologically and see how the rigid and strict parenting affected and shaped their emotional and psychological development. By paying attention to how they all react and answer my questions, I can be able to assess the severity of strict parenting from adolescence and their lasting effects in adulthood.

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Reference No:- TGS03364076

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