There are no word count with these discussion questions just answer all parts of the question and give a good paragraph with relevant, and substantial answers.
Discussion 1
Special Education Law
Before the passing of PL94-142, most children with disabilities were excluded from the public education system and received no services or support. What do you consider to be the most important component of this act for children with disabilities? Why do you feel it is the most important?
Discussion 2
Inappropriate Test Items
Nondiscriminatory testing is imperative in assessments, yet language and cultural differences can be a major stumbling block when attempting to get valid test results on young children. Discuss test items that could be inappropriate for particular groups, and why they might be inappropriate.
Discussion 3
Differences In Recognition
Some exceptional children are easy to recognize, while it is difficult to recognize others. Drawing from your own experiences and your readings, discuss what this can mean to an exceptional child, the parents, and the teachers.