Assignment Task:
Please ensure that the reply includes more than 200 words with scholarly articles, and the plagiarism level must remain below 20%.
Knowledge in nursing is constantly developing and very dynamic. The grand nursing theories have played a central role in this evolution as they laid the foundations: conceptual frameworks that have guided practice, education, and research. However, we now ask ourselves: is it pertinent to continue using these theories today? Have they become obsolete in the face of the contemporary needs and realities of the profession? To guide this analysis, let's look at both sides of the coin: the arguments for and against.
First, it must be said that great nursing theories offer a holistic view of nursing care. These theoretical knowledge bodies allow nurses to understand and address patients' needs comprehensively. They facilitate the systematization of practice and ensure that interventions are based on solid and coherent foundations. Nursing practice and research are guided and structured by these nursing models and theories, which have historically served as the basis for nursing education (Maxwell, 2023). How can we ensure preparation in nursing if we do not know how the thinking of our predecessors on health, care, patient, environment, and nursing evolved? These theories ensure that future professionals acquire an understanding of the basic principles of the discipline. Properly applying theories in practice facilitates comprehensive approaches aimed at patient-centered care (Maxwell, 2023).
But why do some professionals argue that great nursing theories may not be fully adapted to the current complexities and challenges of clinical practice? The rigidity of some of them could limit the ability of nurses to respond flexibly and effectively to emerging situations and the changing needs of patients. The evolution of science and technology in health demands more dynamic and specific theoretical frameworks that can be easily integrated into evidence-based practice (Roy, 2021). So, despite the substantial theoretical framework that supports and guides the work of nurses, these are of relegated importance in professional practice, which suggests the need to update and adapt existing theories. In addition, cultural diversity and variations in health systems globally require more contextualized and adaptable approaches (Roy, 2021). Hence, middle-range theories and situation-specific theories have emerged as more applicable alternatives to particular contexts (Roy, 2021). These, more focused, favor the prescription of practice and theoretical verification (Maxwell, 2023). The combination of traditional theoretical frameworks with new perspectives is the actual formula for offering more effective, personalized care based on scientific evidence. Knowing how to generate new knowledge and integrate the positive aspects of all eras will lead us to excellence in our practice. Need Assignment Help?
Maxwell, E. (2023). Perspectives: Who needs theory? Journal of Research in Nursing, 28(4), 314-317. 10.1177/17449871231178926
Roy, S. C. (2021). Nursing theory makes a practice turn in the 21st century. Aquichan, 21(4).