Assignment task:
Grant proposal
The UW-Whitewater Social Work Department seeks to enhance the greater community's understanding of the field of social work. The department has a grant available for up to $2,000 for students who are willing to assist in helping the department improve the campus and community's understanding of the field of social-work, including topics such as the broad field of social work and/or specific social work topics, i.e. trauma informed care, sex-trafficking, voting, aging, etc.
To be considered, you must submit the following:
1. A brief abstract of your project
2. Statement of the problem
a. Overall scope of the problem?
b. What do people need to learn about the problem?
c. Research to support your proposal
3. Specific goals and objectives of the project, including measurable outcomes
4. Project method (project details: specific tasks to be accomplished; will you collaborate with any other agencies; how will it positively impact others; where will this occur)
5. The grant amount you are requesting
6. A sample budget (broken down by line item)
7. Timeline for completion
8. References