
Discuss code of ethics governing your chosen profession

Assignment Task:

A 69 year old Greek-born man ('Mr G'), who immigrated to Australia from rural Greece in the 1960s and who spoke little English, was admitted to a major metropolitan hospital for follow-up assessment and treatment of a cancer-related illness. Unfortunately, test results revealed that his condition had unexpectedly worsened, his prognosis was poor, and it was decided palliative care was his best option. Upon learning of this bad news, Mr G's family pleaded with the attending doctor not to tell their father that his medical condition had worsened and that his prognosis was poor. Mr G's eldest daughter explained to the doctor that were he to tell Mr G that his cancer had spread 'this would destroy his hope and affect his quality of life' (Johnstone 2009:91). She further explained that, in their Greek culture, 'it was wrong to tell someone they had terminal cancer' (Johnstone 2009:91). The doctor objected to the daughter's request, however, arguing that the matter was 'not about culture, but about ethics' and that her father 'had a right to know' (Johnstone 2009, p. 91; 2011, p. 21).

1. After reading the case and reviewing the bioethical frameworks we examined in the course (the Four Principles, Virtue Ethics), and considering the professional code of ethics of your profession (nursing ANA, psychology APA, Occupational Therapy OT, etc.) you will: Identify what you find to be the relevant ethical principles that you would apply in this case to achieve a resolution. Explain how you arrived at your decision.

2. Explain why you are privileging this principle or principles over the others, arguing from your understanding of the principles and what they aim to achieve in relation to patient care. You must consider and discuss alternative principles or frameworks.

3. Then, consider the code of ethics governing your chosen profession (nursing ANA, psychology APA, Occupational Therapy AOTA, etc.) and explain how your decision aligns with your profession's code.

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