
Discuss clinical findings that may be note in patients

Drugs given to treat malaria are usually given in combination to attack the protozoan at various stages of it's life cycle.List three common drugs used to treat malaria.for each drug,describe it's therapeutic actions,indications,pharmacokinetics,contraindications,proper administration,common adverse reactions,and important drug-drug interactions.(2 learning objectives)2. Describe nursing considerations for patients receiving antiprotozoal agents. Consider the differences related to patients at different age groups.Include rationales for each nursing interventions.(5 learning objectives) Group Assignments:1. Each group draws a diagram outlining the life cycle of the protozoan that causes mal. Discuss clinical findings that may be note in patients during the life cycle.(1 learning objectives)2. Assigned one of the protozoal infections (amebiasis, leishmaniasis,trypanosomiasis,trichomoniasis,or giardiasis)to each small group.Each group is to research its assigned infection and present to the entire class the causes and clinical signs and symptoms of the infection.(3 learning objectives)3.As a group,compare and contrast anti malaria drugs with other drugs used to treat protozoal infections.consider differences and similarities related to therapeutics actions,pharmacokinetics,and common adverse reactions.(4 learning objectives)Clinical Assignments:1.interview a nurse in a clinic setting.Find out what institutions are given to patients planning trips to other countries to reduce the risk of contracting malaria or other protozoal infections.Summarize your findings.Web Assignment:Research one of the other protozoal infections such as amebiasis, leishmaniasis trypanosomiasis, trichomoniasis, or giardiasis. Briefly describe the causes of the infection,clinical signs and symptoms,and the incidence of the infection in the United States. (3 learning objectives) 2. Go to the centers for disease control and prevention a Search for information on malaria.Which areas of the world are at greatest risk for malaria? Why is there an increase in malaria? What implications does this have for patients living in these areas or visiting these areas (5 learning objectives).

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Dissertation: Discuss clinical findings that may be note in patients
Reference No:- TGS02526960

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