Discuss changing landscape of strategic communication

Assignment task:

This changing landscape of strategic communication caused the communication professional to step down as the only organisational spokesperson. The communication professional should fulfill a coaching and advisory role to other organisational members to enable and empower them with skills to engage organisational stakeholders.

Various elements such as interactive communication technologies and globalisation have led to the replacement of the functional understanding of strategic communication as "one-to-many" communication with rather "many-to-many" communication (Zerfass & Schneider 2018). This has resulted in a reconfiguration of the strategic communication function (Verwey, Benecke & Muir 2017).

Considering the above statements, critically discuss the changing landscape of strategic communication in the following terms:

  • The relevance of a postmodern perspective to strategic communication in the current multi-voiced organisational context
  • The changing role of the strategic communication professional, with specific reference to the shift from roles as technician and manger to coach, advisor and manager of social capital

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