Read the following stories the discuss cause versus association in the allegations that eating Ice Cream caused Polio.
Orac. (2011). Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted: Merrily confusing correlation with causation for polio
Dupy, T. (2011). Vaccinations and the Ice Cream Scare
Then review the following influenza misconceptions:
The Office of the Public Health Service Historian. (2009). The Great Pandemic. The United States in 1918-1919
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Misconceptions about seasonal flu and flu vaccines
Research the history behind the ice cream causes polio misconception:
- Present an argument for why ice cream does cause polio and should be banned
- Explain how ideas like that spread, and why people make such assumptions
- Provide another real example of a misconception (you cannot use the flu examples posted above).
Your post should be at least 250 words. You should use at least 2 scholarly sources, excluding the textbook.