Choose a case from the Crime Scene Investigation Case Studies Book (Fish & Fish) for the course, or any other source you would like (e.g., The Casebook of Forensic Detection; a case from an internet search, an infamous case, a case from the local newspapers, etc.). Prepare a power-point presentation that highlights the following information:
1. Provide a case narrative that indicated the major information about the crime under investigation. Dates, time, places, and the initial report(s) to the police. What is this case about? What happened? When did it happen? Where did it happen? Who was involved? How did it happen?
2. Provide a review of what was done to investigate the crime scene by following the 6 Basic Steps of CSI you learned about (Assessment, Observation, Documentation, Search, Collect, Analyze/Process). What was done with each of these steps and what were the results?
3. What physical evidence was located at the scene? Describe all the major "physical" evidence discovered. Was it accurately documented and identified? What is the interpretive value of each item of evidence? What examinations were performed and what were the results? What further examinations/analyses could be performed? Did any evidence lead to the identification of a suspect?
4. It is possible that not all physical evidence was collected/processed. Create a list of additional physical evidence you believe should have been collected and what type of scientific testing you would request from the crime lab.
5. You are now assuming the role of the defense attorney. Review the case as if you are representing one of the defendants. Did you detect any deficiencies in the investigation? What could be done in this investigation to eliminate these deficiencies?
6. What steps were taken that led to the resolution of this investigation? How was it resolved? If the case is unsolved, what suggestions do you have for follow-up?